Sarasota County Centennial 2021 Partnership Program

In carrying out its mission, the Sarasota Centennial 2021 Steering Committee recognizes the need to encourage and support broad public participation in all phases of the Centennial celebration.  Organizations can sign up to be Partners using the form  below.

Partners can include businesses, government units, schools, libraries, athletic organizations, social clubs, historical and preservation groups, museums, women’s clubs, professional associations, neighborhood groups, book clubs, and other types of non-political community organizations.
Apply for Partner designation via the form below if your group is interested in supporting the goal of Sarasota County Centennial 2021: "to celebrate 100 years of Sarasota’s people, places, and achievements by promoting cultural and historical activities available to all citizens and visitors.” This could involve organizing an event or any of the following activities:

  1. Undertaking to write a history of their organization or neighborhood that will become part of the Department of Historical Resources archives.
  2.  Identifying and nominating a person, place, or event in Sarasota County history that meets the requirements for an official Sarasota County historical marker.
  3. Engaging in cleaning and beautification projects to improve our communities.
  4. Organizing a presentation about the history of your organization with lectures, block parties and perhaps even a parade.
  5. Forming a book club to read and discuss important books on Sarasota County history.
  6. Developing ideas to make the Centennial as meaningful as possible to as many people as possible and sharing those ideas with the Centennial 2021 Steering Committee.
  7. Attending major events throughout 2020 and 2021 sponsored by the Centennial Steering Committee.
  8. Raising money to preserve one of the county’s pre-history sites or an endangered historical structure in the community.
  9. Organizing a concert, art show or contest, dance event or other expression of some aspect of Sarasota’s cultural heritage.
  10. Identifying important privately owned historical artifacts, letters, and images and urging they be donated to an appropriate organization such as a museum or archive to preserve them for future generations.  The County's Historical Resources Department can offer assistance in this project.

Partners agree to keep their members informed about Centennial projects and events. They agree to place any events they organize or sponsor that are related to the county’s Centennial, and that are approved by the Steering Committee, on the Sarasota Centennial 2021 official calendar (to be on this website in the near future). They also agree to feature the Centennial Logo, when appropriate, in marketing materials.
NOTE: Centennial Partners must be approved by the Sarasota County Centennial 2021 Steering Committee. Partners may be cited in Centennial 2021 official publications and public relations materials.

Interested in Becoming a Partner?
Fill out the form below and help in the Sarasota County Centennial 2021 Celebration

Part 1:

Part 2:

If you have a logo we will post it on our Partners page and put up a link to your website. Please send a PDF or JPG of your logo to

(Please remember that your application will be reviewed by the Sarasota County Centennial 2021 Steering Committee. Also, if your group wishes to organize a Centennial event, it must be approved by the Centennial Steering Committee before it is entered on the Centennial Calendar.)

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